@joepie91 Probably a good idea to call in some medical assistance. High blood pressure can be extremely dangerous.
re: health-
@ClaudetteK Yep, this is already being monitored by my doc (well, and myself), and a specialist visit is probably in the cards - it's a long-running saga, just today's peak was absurd
re: health-
@ClaudetteK Yep, I suspect that stress (and trauma) is also a factor here - most recent blood test looked almost like it came out of a textbook as an example of 'correct values'
re: health-
@joepie91 Oh, wow! It’s bizarre what the body will absorb and yet still continue to function through, isn’t it? I never used to take stress seriously as a cause for anything physical but, man!, am I finding out the hard way. Having had COVID recently doesn’t help either, of course. 😏