Docker, rant 

To put it bluntly, y'all got suckered, *again*, particularly the "Docker Captains" who did volunteer marketing work for a for-profit corporation.

How often does it need to be repeated? Corporations are not your friend, corporations are not communities, and doing free work for them means you're getting exploited.

"Free" shit from corporations is never truly free. It only exists for as long as necessary to have you do free marketing and grow their company for them. A corporation will 100% leave you for dead once that's been accomplished and they no longer need you.

When will people finally learn from this, and the thousands of similar failures before it, and stop defending corporations or buying into their "free for open-source" marketing?

I would be a lot less salty about this if I didn't get an absurd amount of backlash from weirdly defensive nerds every time I tried to warn people against predatory marketing schemes. Y'all are *part of the problem*.

Docker, rant 

@joepie91 For what it counts, actually self-hosting a registry isn't *super* difficult, but it *is* annoying to deal with since it's yet another component to consider.

Most cloud platforms (think GCP & Azure) offer it at least and some self-hostable registry options do exist, but most are geared more towards dealing with draconian security practices (possibly for good reason) and/or not wanting public code (not relevant for the discussion).

Docker, rant 

@joepie91 Unfortunately a registry is one of those things that's easy to consider an operational expense if you're a business but a barrier not worth justifying if you're a hobbyist.

Poorly made images consume pointless amounts of disk space and fetching them takes up a lot of bandwidth, both of which tend to scale... poorly.

With the sole exception of some Ruby nonsense I didn't want to waste time building massive images for, most of my private (non-work, non-profit) docker use has deliberately avoided dockerhub and it's ilk because it's just not worthwhile.

re: Docker, rant 

@glitch The primary concern that people have in this case seems to not be the image hosting, but rather that lots of documentation and scripts for FOSS projects refer to pulling images from their registry, and those will all break

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re: Docker, rant 

@joepie91 Thankfully most of those still contain the dockerfiles in their repos at least. It requires some docker knowledge, but it's usually semi-trivial to build those images on your own (or rewrite the compose file to build them instead when running docker compose build, but that's more intensive). In 99% of the cases, docker build -t <imagename>:<tagname> suffices. I've had to do this before with FOSS projects where I needed some weirdly specific patch for the system I was deploying on.

The only thing dockerhub really provided was convenience wrt image hosting (which is a big convenience and it still sucks that they did it this way).
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