
mastodon meltdowns, meta 

Yes, it really sucks when an instance shuts down. Yes, it really sucks navigating interpersonal conflicts. Yes, it really sucks discovering that some admins are shitty, actually.

But, consider this: this isn't just about a migration from Twitter to Mastodon - or to fedi, for that matter.

Rather, we're all collectively having to relearn how to build and maintain communities and their infrastructure, after two decades of total reliance on corporations to (fail to) do so.

That *is* going to be a messy process, involving a lot of conflict as people figure things out. For many, it's learning these things the hard way, through trial and error.

It may be painful, but it's very much worth it in the long run. And fedi just happens to be the environment that people learn it in.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 what is this in reference too? What happened?

re: mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@sahar Not any one specific event, but more generally the 'drama' that I sometimes see people complain about, it's kind of a recurring topic

( is just one of the most recent cases)

re: mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 see — “drama with” is the thing I was missing. I’ll google it now (but would love links or a rundown if you felt up to it), suicide mention 

@sahar Very short summary is that the admin told people to stop spoiling Hogwarts Legacy because it meant more moderation work, this was not well-received by trans folks in particular, their criticisms were ignored (and in a few cases responded to with "kill yourself" from the admin) and then the admin decided to shut down the instance soon.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 the cynical side of me says that after a year or two we'll be back to corporations running everything, because they have the economies of scale to keep servers alive and shove any drama under the rug.

this doesn't feel like anything new. it's like reddit or discord drama, except that the admins need technological experience and money, and also own your account. I doubt we'll see the end of it.

@f00fc7c8 @joepie91
The fediverse has been around a long time, and sure, we've had a sudden surge of new members, many of whom don't understand why decentralisation is crucial, and will leave for the next fad. Yay. But an instance closing happens from time to time. I've had 2 fold on me over many years. and a Hubzilla one. The fediverse had always had the momentum to continue. What you going to do? Join a centralised closed network, and help cause a toxic monopoly?

@ianp5a @joepie91 oh don't get me wrong, I love the fediverse and will continue to stick with it as long as I can. and as corporate instances inevitably gain more influence, I'll stick to the community-run instances because the small web is better.

but I also think drama and instability are inevitable without a very, very strong incentive to avoid it. and the tendency toward centralization and corporatization, is extremely hard to resist.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 I have been trying to remind myself of how there are no utopias. When you migrate, you are not moving to paradise. You are just hopefully going somewhere better.

And once there, you are part of it. Which implies a responsibility to you, and you to it. Responsibilites like trying to make the place better for each other. No place is going to be perfect. But we as a community can make it better and better, until it's the best we can get it.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 this is a really good way of putting this

@joepie91 hey atleast #mastodon isn't owned by a narcissistic piece of shit

@lonewolf @joepie91 I mean.. I'm sure someone will debate you on that, but then there's the rest of the fediverse.

Meta, admin 

@joepie91 I've said this before, elsewhere, but—we're all used to blithely signing up for a site, willing to get stuff for free in exchange for ads and personal data, assuming that if a site is big it must be run by People Who Know What They're Doing. It's just kind of accepted that your entire online life is hosted by giant evil corporations.

Maybe we *should* have to look into who's hosting/running a site and think about it before joining. And people who run them should *definitely* be open about sustainability, stability, their limitations, their values, etc.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 Is fedi an app or are you talking about @feditips ?

re: mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@CapeHeaven "fedi" is short for "the Fediverse", which is basically the totality of the federated network that Mastodon is also a part of, but not everything on fedi is Mastodon :)

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 It is all very familiar for those of us who use to build community on various forums (for me it was gaming forums) only to watch them inevitably burn, crash, decay, or get nuked from orbit by capricious stakeholders.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 Well put:

"Rather, we're all collectively having to relearn how to build and maintain communities and their infrastructure, after two decades of total reliance on corporations to (fail to) do so."

re: mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 This! I've been thinking A LOT about the problem of losing posts/references when people have to migrate or an instance shuts down ever since I joined Mastodon. It's a major data integrity flaw of the broader fedi because there's no protocol for it yet. I kinda doubt activitypub would ever account for it, so it'd have to be a whole other spec that's easy to tack on, and be backward/forward compatible with existing instances so it can be adopted gradually. I have ideas but need to flesh them out a bit more.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 @jurjen_heeck agree. A more open world can be painful but is worhwhile. Like any party, group ir team, friction and debate is a sign of a healthy culture.
In #fediverse you don't complain about features, policies, rules (or lack of) - you debate, talk with people who can change or add, or create yourself.
People might be used to complaining but not used to that someone listens and actually *cares*.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 The reason I moved to was that it's founded on a worker cooperative model, with active discussion by members about policy.

The much larger Mastodon instance I was on previously was run arbitrarily, frequently violating its own few rules.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 well said. Could not agree more. Maybe the trend is now slowing down but the idea has a solid foundation and will continue to grow. And there will be selection leading to quality and stability in the end. #LongLiveFediverse!

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 makes me super grateful for @adam. But then my IT DR brain kicks in. What’s his backup? What happens if something bad happens to him? Arrrgggh

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 not even a year in and my old instance is shutting down in three months 🙁 as soon as I heard, I booked it to where I am now 🙂

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

@joepie91 Seriously the fact that I could migrate to another instance and still be able to engage with people is pretty dope.

On twitter if your admin turns out to be, say, a transphobe, you can't just go to a different twitter and then completely block the instance of twitter your old admin runs.

That aside, I also prefer this because it's a lot more small community oriented than twitter.

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