
December 2020 vs. today, about two years later. Holy shit.

(Graphs from Repology)

@joepie91 and we didn't eat Node.js entirely yet, still chewing it

@joepie91 I've been beating this drum as long as I can remember: there is no other software distribution technology as democratic as Nix. There is nothing else that lets you get close to the same number of people behind the problem.

@ttuegel I'd almost agree, with a slight alteration: replacing "Nix" with "Nix-like systems". IMO it is the underlying principles that make it work, which *could* be applied to other systems also!

Another interesting observation is that those underlying principles are largely anarchist in nature. And that it depends on the observer whether they are perceived as "anarchist" or as "democratic" (but that both draw roughly the same conclusions about what it enables).

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