It's truly frustrating how many software developers don't realize how much they're missing, even just from an individual practical perspective, by not understanding power dynamics on a conceptual level

Seriously, the "don't bring politics into tech" people have done *so much* more damage to the field than they realize


You have to hack around some weirdness in a framework you're using? That's a power dynamics problem.

You have to spend a month on a dependency upgrade? That's a power dynamics problem.

You have to constantly deal with poorly-written code that's completely lacking in documentation? That's a power dynamics problem.

Your project is rapidly expanding in scope beyond what you could reasonably maintain with your team? That's a power dynamics problem.

It is a fucking disgrace how the "don't bring politics into tech" folks have completely sabotaged the ability for software developers to understand the root causes of these problems and how to solve them

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(And it will probably come as a surprise to nobody on here that an anarchist view of the matter presents a concrete solution to every single one of these problems)

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