
ableism, eugenics 

CW'ed repost of


"A team of scientists in Texas used CRISPR to edit out genes associated with autism traits in mice and observed clear results: The animals stopped digging obsessively, their erratic jumping around the cages slowed to a halt and they became more calm."

This sounds like a fucking lobotmy. They're just editing out all the behaviors except placid "normal" ones.

The article also refers to autism as a "developmental disorder" that autistic people "suffer from."

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ableism, eugenics 

@joepie91 ooooh, I wonder if they ever find the gay gene

ableism, eugenics 

@StroomAfwaarts I suspect they'll go for the trans gene first, but yeah, that's pretty much where this would be headed next.

ableism, eugenics 

@joepie91 I hate shit like this so much.

Autistic people don't suffer from autism, they suffer from people being assholes to them about it.

Gay people don't suffer from being gay, they suffer from people being assholes to them about it.

Trans people don't suffer from being trans, they suffer from people being assholes to them about it.

Maybe they can go and look for the compassion gene for once and try to activate that instead of always this nonsense.

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