sorry for the extended outage everyone!!
it started experiencing OOM issues immediately before i moved into a house, and i didn't find time/energy to fix it til now.
my commitment is to keep things running as best i can w/ the free time and energy i have available - in this case, the stars aligned wrong and it was down for a few weeks.
anywho, it's all patched up now!!
in the end, it was a silly http.Client timeout error. @forestjohnson has been warning me about these
@j3s classic golang infinite timeout by default right ? 🫠
@j3s the context stuff should not be required afaik unless theres something in a library you use which requires a context passed to it.
Setting the timeout on the http client should be all you need.
Modifying the default http client is slightly frowned upon in programs that have dependencies and do a lot of stuff... But vore is simple enough its fine. Otherwise you can create your own http client and use that one instead of the default.
sanityClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 20,
@forestjohnson gotcha, good to know!! i've heard many musings about the default http client, i suppose the alternative is to just make a unique one?