so I've finally got that home server (that I've been wanting to put the time/money into for years, lol better late than never)

what do people use for reverse proxying? are you running a VPS somewhere? just using dynamic DNS? {cloudflare,tailscale} {tunnel,funnel}? none of the above? please share!


@genevieve IMO just forward the desired ports on your router to your server and set up dynamic DNS.

I just helped someone else who also has Verizon home internet do this last week and it worked great.

I have an over engineered dynamic DNS app that I use, so far it supports Gandi and porkbun:

@genevieve actually now that I think abt it, I havent tested the porkbun support code yet 😅 it blows my mind that a simple, easy-to-set-up dynamic DNS app supporting all popular providers doesn't seem to exist yet.

@forestjohnson I know! I went for something similar last night, and eventually just totally gave up on a ddclient (the only dyndns program with a nixos module)

now I'm rolling my own systemd service to curl my dns provider every half hour, which seems very fragile, but at least hurricane electric makes it super easy to update

I should have just looked into this right away, I was just so used to having a terrible ISP that I couldn't believe that verizon would actually let me use the internet connection I pay for lol

@genevieve I've been looking for an ISP that does not allow you to forward ports, CGNAT, etc, I havent heard of one yet in the US. I think CGNAT is more common in Europe

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