About 5 watts at the wall. A purely self-hosted live transcription of a Mumble audio chat. Transcription annotated by the speaker's name.


Also, here is the massive alt-text I wrote for the video :P A thorough description of wtf is going on in this video:

video of multi-user audio transcription system based on Pixel 6 phone with a neural network chip that enables the Google Live Transcribe app to convert audio into text without the ability to reach the internet.

The Pixel 6 is connected to a combo charger + microphone adapter. The Linux server has a sound card with its output connected to the microphone adapter's input, mediated by a special attenuator audio cable.

The linux server is running a web application that connects to a mumble server, enqueues audio from a conversation, and plays it back one-speaker-at-a-time.

The linux server is also attached to the android phone via ADB. The linux server join's the android phone's WiFi Hotspot. The linux server is running a "uiautomator" UI test which constantly polls the transcribed text element of the Google Live Transcribe app and posts the text to the server via WiFi.

The web application synthesizes the data of who was talking when, and what text was displayed when, in order to display the live conversation on a web-page, similar to a chat log.

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