I’ve offered to take point on some of the initial “business-y” things like working with the landlord and coming up with a plan to manage finances, and my initial first impression is that Open Collective would be a good option for something like this. Thoughts on OC or alternatives would be welcome!

@jakintosh What if OC goes down, or connectivity is spotty. I feel like a local collective should have a local solution to handle this sort of thing, going through a 3rd party seems a bit overkill for a local-first initiative, especially if most payments will be direct payment at the events themselves.


@neauoire @jakintosh OC is not gonna "go down" or be the problem. If anything, the credit card processor will be the problem.

This happens to everyone who accepts donations via credit cards, its frustrating but payment cards are a total cartel, not much to do abt it besides be ready to support those affected.

If you wanna do it yourself you can self host liberapay I think ? Or just use Stripe raw / build your own app on top of stripe ?

OC is good because it provides an air of legitimacy, ppl know what it is, and it allows you to collect recurring donations out of the box

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