
> Is there at current a plan for [..] multiple different locations on the "living room" side of things [..] If me and 2 other people are all hosting the same site, we could have one server each with the same data but on different physical locations

Yes, in fact that's one of the main reasons I started doing this in the first place, I wanted a way to make that easier as well. I don't know if I ever posted it on Fedi but long ago I made some twitter posts explaining my justification for starting the original project that eventually got "delayed indefinitely" to make way for greenhouse.

I don't feel like posting it as a twitter link or reposting it on fedi, but here's a link to the original text:

This isn't exactly a TL;DR as it's quite long.., but here's a condensed version of where greenhouse specifically is at with regards to redundant/replicated servers.

Greenhouse on its own probably can't solve *all* of the problems that would come up if you wanted to create & maintain a redundant, replicated set of servers.

However, I believe that greenhouse is the first step to making that easier, it makes global connectivity of servers a lot easier to set up and maintain, and in theory it can also be used as a load balancer so the site/service stays up while one or more of the replicated servers power off, lose internet, crash, undergo repair / replacement, etc.

Greenhouse doesn't have any explicit load balancing features yet. They are currently planned for after the beta release is completed. However, even without an explicit feature, you could theoretically create your own rudimentary load balancing system targeting at the alpha version of greenhouse.

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