Question for sysadmins having midsize envs (not a Google-size DC and not just a raspberry but maybe 1–2 servers) what is your most important thing you need in your config management or if you have it specifically gitops?

I am looking into designing something for my needs since mine seem to not match with anything out there and wonder if there are things I can add to my workflow.

Boosts would be appreciated :)


@MTRNord referencing things across hosts, like a bit of host A config using hostB.ip and hostB.ports.synapse etc

Im quite happy with my NixOS + morph setup in general, it combines both my personal systems and mess of servers

@f0x Yeah for host stuff this sounds nice :D I sadly or maybe not so sad have also a k8s to manage. And thats where stuff quickly becomes incompatible or super complex by building a custom ansible which also sucks D: At that point I can build my own iso and have the same work :D

Nixos sadly died for me due to poor documentation. It is something I want to use but I dont have the knowledge to start it :(

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