i've mostly vagueposted about it before because it's a quick tool I wanted to build for myself, with no time for prolonged support/additional features

but I made a medication tracker that fits better with my personal (adhd) needs, namely no set schedule, but still getting reminders to take the next dose after a certain interval.

After evaluating existing options f-droid.org/en/packages/dev.co came closest, but when used in 'take as needed' mode, there's no notification/interval options at all, and my general rhythm isn't consistent enough for anything pre-scheduled.

code in git.pixie.town/f0x/remind-my-m, react-native was quite nice to use actually. it's easy to sideload an apk to android stuff but for iOS that's left as an exercise to the reader


it's really as simple as the screenshot shows, you press the button at the start of your day (whenever that might be), and get a notification when the set interval elapses. when you take your meds, press the button again and it queues the next notification. You still get a notification one interval after your last dose of the day (because the app has no notion of this), but you can then ignore that and it won't bother you again until you record a dose again, thus queuing a new notification again. Timestamp entries are stored indefinitely for now and I might add an export/visualization for those if I really find the need

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