hey, let's just package this go server + js frontend as a nix flake, how hard can it be

*hours and hours later*

damn nix flake got hands

i managed to do it btw. i forgot why i did it, but it's done now.

also, how do you people live like this!?

nix woes 

my main issue was finding out what to search for, what things are called etc.

most introductions go over the very basics but stop at anything more complicated. and then the documentation only helps you if you already know what you're doing.

getting from "i have a basic flake doing one thing" to "i need to build different things in the same setup because interdependency" was really hard.

or maybe i'm just stupid, idk. this was my first time ever touching nix. it has been an experience.


re: nix woes 

@ln it's a steep learning curve for sure.. the fragmented bits of documentation leave a lot to be desired.

Looking at other people's code, either in nixpkgs or various people's published stuff helps me a lot, cs.github.com/ with lang:nix can be useful. And nix-cheatsheet.pixie.homes/ as a language reference

re: nix woes 

@f0x thanks! yep, code search really was the most helpful thing. funnily enough i didn't have any issues with the language, but not knowing what is stateful and what stateless was a bit of an issue.

e.g. got weird errors because i cd'd into another directory in postBuild which made install fail...

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