wait a minute, are a bunch of instances now using a tool to find out who has them suspended?

I've had multiple requests in the last few days asking why social.pixie.town, a tiny instance, has their specific instance suspended, what the fuck

kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

It's important context that this tool was made by kiwifarms, and expliclity links to their git in the footer.

All of these requests have been along the lines of "look we have a perfect set of rules there's no possibility at all you blocked us for good reason".

1. we can block for whatever reason we want, it's a discussion to have within our own community, not with you.
2. you're using a kiwifarms tool to get this info. fuck off


re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

it's confirmed that qoto.org used a fascist's tool to mass send emails to instances who suspend them for good reason. qoto.org/@freemo/1093608811876

qoto.org if you haven't already

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

post has since been deleted, so here are some screenshots. this is in context of archive.ph/rxwDp#80%

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x Seems they may have axed the post already? 404 in my browser.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@church ah yikes, should've archived it.. good thing the page was still open on my desktop so will add some screenshots to the thread

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x when reading that thread i considered screenshotting it, but realised you’d probably already done so. i was right! :p

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@kim well i almost didn't! once again reminded I should throw shit through an archiver before tooting an expose :")

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x you could set up a bot that follows your RSS feed an archives them 🤔

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@kim actually i keep forgetting to bring back the thing that blocks user rss feeds :") way too easy to scrape

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x @kim it's so nice of them to have all these discussions in public 🌍

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x here is likely how the knowledge of this tool might have spread cjr.org/analysis/journalists-w

(in the link attached to the 'about forty-five “instances” are blocking' text)

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@host once again confirming the danger such journalists pose, repeating shit without knowing or caring about context

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x the "context" part hurts the most, as I would understand this to be the basis of what journalism entails.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@host @f0x jesus fucking christ. ty for linking that. socrates was looking out for their instance, idk why mathew couldntve just anonymized their post. fuck.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

Of course they're using a domain with "ryona" in the name

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x I've received that email from qoto.org. I've also received quite a bit of abuse from various instances because they discovered I'm blocking them. This dynamic is troubling.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x hmm this is bad i see many instances i know in the screenshots including mine

everyone if you get one of these emails please share it so everyone can block them

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x good thing I never filled in the contact email in my instance .-.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@f0x That place has always been pretty sus tbh

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

@wouldinotcallmyselfahumanbeing @XanIndigo @f0x

Qoto has also confirmed to me that they do not ban users of other instances for any reason.

Their rules on things like racism only applies to local Qoto users.

The admin wasn't even confident that he would ban child porn unless his community voted to do so.

@f0x i tried to see what's under this link and it triggered my antivirus, lmao
That site is definitely not safe.

re: kiwifarms, suspend list scraping 

As far as I know, the reason was far-right trolling

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