:boosts_ok_gay: Hey! I'm looking for design feedback on current fediverse clients, both web, mobile and desktop.

What decisions do you like? What do you dislike? What new features would you like to see?

And for Mastodon Web specifically: do you prefer the single-column or multi-column (advanced mode) layout? Why?

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boosts_ok_gay:

@antijingoist @devinprater themability/customizability is definitely on the list, do you have any insight on what Mastodon (and others) do well or poorly for screenreaders?

@f0x @antijingoist Honestly, they let other devs create apps for their platform. That's really it. The Mastodon web app isn't very good.

@devinprater @antijingoist right, that's unfortunate. I'd like to improve on that (low bar perhaps), but can't promise much as that's an area I have rather limited experience in so far

@f0x @antijingoist It's okay, as long as you have semantic HTML, use AIRA to create anything HTML doesn't have, manage focus events, have keyboard shortcuts, you're good. Look at Pinafore for a good UI/UX.

@antijingoist @f0x I'm sorry, can you give me another example? I didn't understand that one well.

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