
:boosts_ok_gay: Hey Fediverse admins & moderators! :boosts_ok_gay:

We're working hard on the new Settings interface for , and we'd like your input. What do the current implementations do well? What could be improved? What features do you miss?

Bulk import/export of domain blocks is already implemented, but there has to be more, so please speak up :)

@f0x oh personally i’d like a list of instances ur federating with so it’d be possible to go thru them and kick them out if u dont like them

@pastelpunkbandit yep, same here. it's in the "waiting for API implementation" list :)

@f0x ohhh
i didnt know that was the issue with that lmao

@pastelpunkbandit yeah currently we just have ways to set/remove blocks, but we'll get there

@f0x reports where you can actually privately discuss the report with the user filing it (if a local report) would be nice. Themes/skins and being able to add options users can choose between. Custom emoji/reactions able to be added/arranged as ‘packs’ not just individual ones, which can be imported as some kind of archive, being able to set the prefix for them, and including licence information on them from the packs automatically in server info etc.

@s0 good ideas, can I put this in a tracking issue on the github?

@f0x my GitHub username is cortices if you want to tag me in it there

@f0x I’d like it if all the deactivated fields in the Admin panel didn’t show up and instead were on a better-formatted Stats page

@forever right, those are completely gone for now, there might be a config/info overview page later

disclaimer: not used GoTo yet but am Eyeing Closely, but gods do i want this in fedi software:

custom permission groups for staff, and granular permissions

Instead of having all communities use the same permissions for everyone, giving admins the ability to hand out roles and perms as needed. Not everyone needs to be able to handle reports, not everyone needs to be able to do instance blocks, perhaps someonee wants to give a perms group to some folks to manage emojis

@f0x also, related to a major gripe with how masto handles admin accounts

ability to have accounts that have been given admin perms to be demoted back to regular user, without needing to be deleted and recreated (why eugen why would you make it so you cannot demote an admin account and have to nuke all the social connections and posts to no longer be admin why why why )

@f0x the main things that block me from being able to switch my main account to my GTS instance is that I can't import follows, or at least I can't find that setting.

Another thing I wish for was links to the actual settings pages on the home page because I keep forgetting the URLs and the user settings one doesn't seem to match up with the one mastodon uses, so I only get a 404 if I click the account settings button in my mobile client

@dysphoricunicorn import/export for a bunch of things is still planned, and the new settings (merged in main) should have the correct redirects too. Might be good to add it in the footer but it's already a bit full

@f0x very nice, I'll update my instance if I find the time during this weekend ^^

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