@f0x i was working on ordering a custom laser cut "live laugh loaf" sign for my gf for a while but i gave up because i was trying to manually do the vector art and it was a pain in the ass

@violet i will absolutely have a cursed version of this on my wall someday

@f0x here's a bit from my notes of what the plan was

i think i filled up a couple pages of ideas before coming to this and then trying to refine it

@f0x i'm pretty sure there are like ipad apps where you can just draw something out like that and it'll generate a vector for you but i don't have an ipad with pencil support so i haven't looked into it

it'd be convenient thought because then you could just send the vector off to a laser cutting place and get a sign in a few days

@violet i guess even an inkscape svg trace from a blank piece of paper (scanned?) could work

@f0x i considered that but i was trying to get a certain line thickness that i didn't have a good pen for and kinda gave up

might need to pick that project back up one of these days

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