working with/without javascript (for all those cavepeople with irrational programming language hatred)

@f0x being upset that every website ever is unusably slow on my pinebook is irrational?

@f0x seriously i have automatic nitter invidious etc redirects and UBO _by need_

@f0x javascript is not necessarily bad but there needs to be like, a cap on the amount of javascript you can have on a page
make developers use 10 year old thinkpads
hell make developers use _my 4 year old skylake laptop_ on which many giant bloated webapps are already getting slow


@haskal They should, yes. I just don't think it's a web/js specific problem, those devs would cut the same corners in any other ecosystem.

@f0x yea but cutting corners in like, rust, still ends up being fast because rust
it's just too easy to make javascript eat all your RAM and be rly bloated imo

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