ivermectin and conversation around it 

It appears there is some evidence that ivermectin can cause sterility in humans with testes.

This is not an opportunity to joke about weeding out the gene pool or whatever.

That’s just straight up eugenics and nazi shit. Keep it out of your mouth and out of your mind and ideally out of your heart.

Racists and other bigots are such because they materially benefit from it, and they enjoy being cruel, not because they have “inferior genes.” Those don’t exist.


ivermectin and conversation around it 

@Ethancdavenport also, the single study everyone gets this from is N=38, looking at ivermectin as a treatment for river blindness, with no control group (so could very well purely be caused by the river blindness parasite).

ivermectin and conversation around it 

@f0x yeah, that’s one of the tangential points to be made: these people have been lied to and heavily propagandized. It doesn’t excuse them potentially spreading covid or other heinous shit, but they’re fundamentally working from bad info either way.

ivermectin and conversation around it 

@f0x @Ethancdavenport
I wanted to make sure this aspect gets visibility. In case you or someone you care about gets this kind of mud slung at them, the sterility claim is largely unsubstantiated. It might be better to perpetuate this important detail.

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