No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

Explaining in understandable terms why Bitcoin uses so much power, why all these supposed 'alternatives' cannot fix the problem, how other coins are a scam, and how proof-of-stake is ultimately a dead end too.

@f0x One interesting proof mechanism I've seen but haven't read into much is proof-of-bandwidth used to incentivize mesh net nodes.
There is also a theoretical design for a carbon capture coin on Gwent's blog.

If there is a proof mechanism that can work, it's probably something in that direction.


@csepp that still boils down to more money = more influence though, but at least those resources are spent on something useful I guess

@f0x Yeah, I'd prefer something like Spritely's OCAP system, which may not technically count as a currency. While it could be used to power a fiat currency, it's much cooler if it's used to publish things like "I need a babysitter tomorrow and can pay with 10 turnips" "I babysat and got the turnips" "yup that person came and babysat".

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