@AgathaSorceress I wonder if there is a really technical reason for that

@elise @AgathaSorceress because usernames are used as identifiers (rather than, idk, like a UUID or something)
it's a classic design mistake imo

@elise @AgathaSorceress ok more than this activitypub doesn't have a provision for aliasing actors
(which is a larger problem imo. like if you had a server available on mainline internet and also tor, there is no way to say the actors @ whatever.onion are the same ones as actors @ myinstance.horse for all intents and purposes those are two completely different sets of actors)

@elise @AgathaSorceress AND this is also a problem with xmpp and matrix and i am eternally annoyed by that


@haskal @elise @AgathaSorceress@eldritch.cafe fwiw Matrix' decentralized identities will fix this Somewhere in the Future, by using hashes as actual ids then linking aliases to those

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