i want a custom PCIe card to do both basic vga video and provide 2x SATA for the single x16 slot, but both the routing, and components seem very complex :/

oh apparantly my motherboard just supports pcie bifurcation.

it's a fully passive lane split

these cards still cost a 100 euros

for a ribbon cable + 2 pcie connectors

apparently pcie bifurcation is a whole rabbithole


alternatively I could also use the M.2 slot on the bottom of the motherboard to connect just a fifth drive, and have the gpu (for pi IP-KVM) in the pci slot

@erikk oh yeah that's cool, makes sense since it is just pcie too after all. No way that vertical header would fit though because it's on the bottom of the motherboard..

I should look at generic M.2 to fullsize pcie tho

@f0x MM yes, but check the motherboard manuel if you can actually use that slot sometimes its exclusive with some other parts of the mobo....

@erikk as I read it it should work fine, i guess hardware/cpu wise it makes sense to have 2 pcie slots, there's just no space on top of the (small) motherboard to just have a full slot

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