@f0x pretty 😍 what's winter edition? Is it mulled? :P


@dumpsterqueer yeah, it's rather cinnamonny, it's my favorite mate by far. Shame they only produce/sell it in the winter season but luckily our hackerspace tends to stock up on *a lot* of crates

@f0x hmmmm I wanna visit your hackerspace and liberate some mate 👀

@dumpsterqueer we ran out a few weeks ago >:(
I still have half a crate at home I earned doing jitsi dev I slooowly drink though :P

@f0x oh I didn't know you'd worked on jitsi, that's cool!

@dumpsterqueer I manage a fork at github.com/revspace/jitsi-meet, adding features people requested
won't be upstreaming unfortunately because they have a shit CLA requirement

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