why publish just silkscreen layers??? what's the point in that??

this design is from 2019-09-05 *surely* they would've had time to publish shit by now

literally the only board files linked on the wiki page are **jpeg** screenshots of gerbers for the irrelevant USB to eMMC converter..

what if pine64 but open hardware <futuristic city.jpeg>

the state of open hardware stuff is real fuckin sad in general tbqh, you can call your shit that even with just gerbers+schema, you can keep your actually usable design source fully private and/or in proprietary $112489138 garbageware

tbh i hope someone proves me wrong on this thread but i kinda doubt it,,,

lol they removed the "PINE64 is an open source platform from both hardware to software"
because it just isn't


@ella yeah it sucks tbh, because they still have a lot of good rep because of it...

@f0x how to business:
1. have an attractive goal that is also unreachable among other good features
2. get good rep
3. abandon the unreachable goal silently
4. profit
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