hi is there absolutely no possible canonical way to control video playback (at a minimum, play/pause, and seek backwards/forwards ~5 seconds) while streaming with literally any tool
why is it like this
do i have to make my own thing

neither vlc nor mpv can _output_ to v4l2 devices that obs might be able to pick up
obs has a vlc source but there's no seeking
vlc cannot output rtmp
ffmpeg has no controls
gstreamer has no gui controls plugin that i am aware of

@haskal hmm and you can't just do a (cropped) window capture on mpv/vlc to accomplish what you need?

@f0x yes that's the jank solution
it also doesn't work, OBS seems to capture one frame and then just keep streaming out that single frame

@haskal oh that happens when the window loses focus and it's not actually getting drawn to anymore

@haskal like in my setup when I switch to a different workspace

@f0x but the defocused window still actually updates, it's just obs doesn't capture any updates


@haskal whoa yeah there's definitely weird shit going on. Kinda works here and then just starts strobing black frames in between for some reason...

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