
caffeine, dissociation 

chugged my icecoffe now a cappuccino that should ground me in this dimension

caffeine, dissociation 

@f0x Interesting - for me, the best thing so far is ice cold lemonade, but I never tried high doses of caffeine against dissociation (only for other purposes). Gotta try that some time.

caffeine, dissociation 

@satanskrapfen for me it can really go both ways depending on how it kicks in. roulette is fun i suppose

caffeine, dissociation 

@f0x Yeah, caffeine is a bit unpredictable, other stimulants work better for me in that respect. Although it definitely makes a difference what you drink - green tea is the smoothest for me, and generally tea is better than coffee. Espresso can give a nice energy boost but that can also lead into derealisation.

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