@GreenandBlack@sunbeam.city @qyliss yeah, Signal is incredibly hostile towards forks/alternate clients, and moxie loves to argue in bad faith about that...

matrix.org/blog/2020/01/02/on- (response from matrix to an anti-federation blogpost from moxie)
blog.jabberhead.tk/2019/12/29/ (response to his signal advertisement talk at )
drewdevault.com/2018/08/08/Sig (only good thing he's ever written)

@f0x @GreenandBlack @qyliss

Matrix there doing their usual thing of promising everything to everybody.

@f0x I have lots of usability criticisms of their project.

I'd love to see them competing with Signal but its super far away right IMO.

@kawaiipunk oh sure from a usability perspective I fully understand. High hopes for the future, either from the matrix foundation or others like me implementing stuff :)

@f0x like I think Signal should be critiqued fully for their position but I also didn't agree with any of those three responses.

For me, the only way to beat Signal at its own game is to replace its server component with a P2P system whilst still adopting the same usability principles.

Otherwise all the alternatives will just be playing catch up for a long time.

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