@nycex @bjoern Earlier implementations had every conversation end-to-end end encrypted.

@emacsen @nycex @bjoern and they will be again, have you followed any of the progress?
Turns out E2E without good UI is a nightmare for users, so E2E is off by default until cross-signing of your devices is ready (it almost is)

@f0x @nycex @bjoern

> Turns out E2E without good UI is a nightmare for users

Poor UI design should never be confused with poor ideas.

Also the Matrix protocol itself has been such a mess that there are only a tiny number of implementations of it.


@emacsen @nycex @bjoern it really hasn't. the spec is stable and well documented, it's just a lot of (complicated) things to implement. That's not the result of bad design, but as a means for the goals of a decentralized eventually consistent database

@f0x @emacsen @nycex @bjoern I plus this one, while it was criticized because it is kinda easy to make network DDOS one server, I think distributed consensus is a really hard problem and you got to only pick some things of CAP theorem. And this is all in addition to the Signal protocol which is not a simple thing at all (trust me, we analyze it a lot). I think taking time to get e2e right is a right decision.

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