Hm, Matrix Synapse has gone from 0.9.9 to 1.4.1 since I stopped using it. Has any of that included fixing its horrible RAM pressure that means I'd need a $300/yr VPS to run a server unless I just never join chats?

@Trysdyn yes, it's decreased *a lot*. ~5eur a month Hetzner vps will probably be able to federate with just about anything

@f0x Oh, that's a surprise. In 0.9.9 times, joining the official Matrix notifications chat spiked Synapse's RAM usage to ~2gb, before any of the Other Stuff had its shot too.

@Trysdyn even 2gb of ram shouldn't cost you 300$ a year though

@f0x Nope, but that was just Matrix Homeserver Admins chat. I never got to adding in all the stuff I wanted to like bridges. I had an instance in 4 chats, and my 2gb VPS was OOMkilling Synapse on the reg.

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