

Hindering Hands, the WORST soldering tool ever developed
they hold things steady until the moment the iron touches them, then immediately start waving them around and dropping them off the bench. premium versions will even attempt to grab the soldering iron tip.

bringing the experience of enlisting help from a horrible crab to your workbench, today!®

Hindering Hands is just a steel replica of a ghost crab, which mimics the behavior of one with a few adjustments. being timid and made of steel, it can tank out most physical abuses, and is Very fast and difficult to catch.
Hindering Hands: it's Time for crab™.

Hindering Hands has an advanced memristor brain developed by mimicking the central nervous system of a ghost crab, then teaching it that anything humans want to solder is its prey.

its usual mode of operation is to pretend that it's just a passive novelty Helping Hands with positionable claws, and allow you to use it to position your work pieces. once you have handed your work to it, it makes a break for it.

once the humans get wise to this, it settles into being The Shopcrab, skulking in the corners of the lab and evading human sight, waiting until no one is looking before climbing onto the workbench to steal important items. in addition to its very fast scampering speed, it is also capable of a nearly three-meter vertical jump, and has electromagnetic feet capable of sticking to ferromagnetic surfaces.

if caught, the shopcrab will immediately fight back against its attacker by pinching and delivering electric shocks. capturing a shopcrab requires careful planning and heavy gloves.

the shopcrab periodically sits on electrical outlets to charge its batteries. in this state, its entire exterior is live at the mains voltage, and thus dangerous to touch bare-handed. if touched and not instantly recoiled from, the shopcrab will rapidly disengage and flee to find another outlet. the shopcrab is strong and dextrous enough to pull plugs and safety caps from most outlets.

a shopcrab can live for around five to ten years before its internal battery becomes too worn out to keep it running, at which point it dies. a dead shopcrab can easily be returned to life by replacing its battery, which is easily accessed via the bottom plate, but for whatever reason, most owners opt not to do this.

once its first life has reached its end, Sandbox Mode is unlocked. After replacing the battery, the shopcrab will now offer a Bluetooth debug interface that can be used to update its goal vectors, temporarily immobilize it, or even remotely control its actions. in spite of its efficient malevolence during its first life, a reincarnated shopcrab can be a capable ally and even a valued friend.


@diodelass I'm convinced, where can I acquire a shopcrab?
or is it an ancient summoning-ritual type deal

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