(boosts highly appreciated)

I'd like to read up on best practices for on web stuff, both static pages and web applications. Are the Mozilla resources on ARIA the best there is?

@f0x imo the best way to be accessible is to not use JavaScript and keep your content as simple as possible. Bonus points if you put alt tags on all of your images and add a "skip to content" link upfront that links past the nav et al

@sir yes, for static site (blogs etc) that is definitely my go-to way. For actual web *applications* that's not really an option

@f0x sourcehut manages to be a pretty complex and featureful application without javascript or webshit


@sir again, this is not what I was asking for.

@f0x if you question your assumptions about what good software looks like, you will find it much easier to make it acccessible.

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