whoa, my sketchy af external fan setup still works really well. System is stable at 40C, and the internal fan doesn't even need to spin. First time I touched a cold heatsink on this laptop

@f0x I'm gonna assume that's functioning as a sort of jury rigged server or something and it builds up heat like wildfire hence the superduper external fan just... blitzing away there??

@f0x (also guessing by what I can see that this laptop is sort of... hidden away in a crawlspace or something

@Nine it's the utility closet haha.

It's an old gamer laptop that acts as my homeserver, which works really well. It used to get reaaaly hot with just the internal fan, so I downclocked it a bit, and added the huge fan I had laying around. Now it's very stable temp, works great :3

@f0x Oh nice ^^ With that huge fan though does it need downclocking now? Could it be run full tilt without much rising in temp or was part of getting it stable downclocking it WITH the fan on it?


@Nine probably yeah, I should try but performance so far has been good enough at 8x 2ghz

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