hmm apparently I never exported my follows rip so guess here's my post

I'm a programmer and sometime sysadmin, I run where I provide free software services for comfy ppl to use.

My main project is a client called Neo which you can find at
I also play and when I have the time

Some blurb of tags:

@f0x how does #writefreely ,provided by you compare to #plume?what r the differences compared to #plume?what r the advantages of one?what the disadvantages of the of the other?dare to share some insight from provider-side?what is neo?and why was it chosen over #riot as client for #matrix?

@gnusocialgnu WriteFreely is more stable than Plume, since it's further in development, it also has features like custom css
Plume is really quite alpha which can give issues

Neo is my matrix client project, because I'm not satisfied with the other ones. It aims to be lightweight, and similar in UI to Telegram

@f0x if it aims to be lightweight&similiar in UI2gram,where's the group for it,at?
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