it's semi-infinite library containing one 3.5" floppy disk for every possible combination of 11,796,480 bits (1.44mb).

also yes this means that the library doesn't contain 1-to-1 copies of DD disks, everything GCR formatted (HI OLD MACS!), and DMF formatted disks. I'm sorry, you can't install Windows 95 from the Floppy Disk Drawers of Babel

but figuring out how many bits you need to represent EVERY floppy is above my paygrade, so it's left as an exercise for the reader.


@foone I once calculated how much time it would take to display every possible combination of pixels on a Gameboy LCD and came to the conclusion that even if every Gameboy in existence did it at the same time at 60Hz, it still wouldn't be done by now

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