If you're otherkin or therian, I am much more likely to like you and want to know more about you and find you attractive

Tell me more about your real body, the one you can sometimes feel if you close your eyes and concentrate, tell me where to stroke your wings, how to rub your scales, how to preen your feathers...

You aren't human, and that's so cool and I wanna know more about it~

boost if you agree <3

@Decimal I'm not 100% certain on what otherkin is, and as far as I know I don't get phantom limb sensations. Rubinda definitely qualifies as otherkin, and I can sometimes feel her interacting with me. At rest she usually has her arms over my shoulders with her serpentine lower body coiled around my waist and hips

@zauberin "Otherkin" is typically "I do not identify with the species I currently am." Most times it's someone who is born a human and does not feel like a human, but feels more like a dragon, or a wolf, or a yinglet, or any sort of creature!


@Decimal @zauberin shoutout to the changeling subset of otherkin

@Decimal @elfi @zauberin I'm a changeling! Shoutout to you all too though :3

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