Long post, cancer 

Hi, this is @elfi posting on behalf of my mother, to let everyone who followed her know what has been going on.

Last October, Deadrose was diagnosed with stage 4 peritoneal carcinomatosis, which has an average prognosis of five months from diagnosis. She is tenacious though, and fought her hardest to beat it, but treatment did not improve things considerably, and after seven months it is end-stage, leaving her hospitalized and bedridden. 1/?

Long post, cancer 

@deadrose @elfi So very sorry to hear this. She'd been clear about the gravity of the situation, but of course, we'd been hoping for a better outcome regardless.


re: Long post, cancer 

@porsupah I've passed it along and heard from her about your own situation. Thank you for being there for her, and I hope you get that better outcome

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