
Content warning requests 

Please be mindful of those who are already struggling with , , , and , especially for posts that do nothing but remind us that we're fighting insurmountable obstacles against uncaring oligarchs and bigots rather than highlighting events or progress

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re: Content warning requests 

Anyone who is going to replyguy with "this needs to be seen" when it's just a reminder of the shit we're already dealing with day-in and day-out, you are already preaching to the choir on fedi, so preemptively shut it and use that energy to shout at the people who can actually make that change

re: Content warning requests 

Just to make my stance clear, antiblackness and other racism is an ongoing, widespread problem that needs addressing, ***especially on Fedi***. Additionally, reminding white people to do better is a ***call to action*** and not just an emotionally-draining reminder of peoples' circumstances, so it is doubly ***not*** affected by this request

Thank you

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