
mastodon 4.0 meta 

It's my uninformed opinion that all the bitching about 4 makes it sound like the wider fediverse should just fork at 3 and backport the few good things/security fixes. Any reason why this is not a viable option?

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re: mastodon 4.0 meta 

@elfi Sincerely wonder this myself. Like awoo is on Glitch, any reason Glitch can't update the security but not touch the frontend...? > .>

re: mastodon 4.0 meta 

@Taylor just migrated to Glitch as well

mastodon 4.0 meta 

@elfi same reason any fork is a pain in the ass, basically any attempt to bring things over from mainline will become an exhausting conflict ridden nightmare

except even worse this time because the entire frontend got tossed out and redone, basically

re: mastodon 4.0 meta 

@KS Okay yeah, backporting stuff to the old frontend would be especially troublesome

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