it's kind of messed up that the bright light therapy lights that you turn on for a little while when feeling tired and sad actually work while also sounding entirely like a snake oil scam.

I'm only just now learning about these since i was born and raised in a place where everyone feared the sun and everyone got their lumens and whatever else in a few seconds and then avoided the sun as much as possible for the rest of the day so they didn't spontaneously get vaporized.

they're basically religious iconography in the pacific northwest from what I'm reading regarding people praising them


@root Wishing I brought my full spectrum bulb with me when I moved away from Seattle tbh, I could stand to praise it right now

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@root just occurred how silly and on-brand that is for a moth fairy to say

@elfi i was researching things like, "why the heckie my usual winter depression 10x worse here", found the lights, "so is it just a portable lantern??" and then, "ok if this light stuff works how come I'm so depressed looking at a computer screen all day huh??"

and now my goblin brain just keeps thinking of very bright gems in the depths of a cave and how much it wants that bright fantastical light so i decided to try it out and eat my words if it worked out return it otherwise lol

was like,

@elfi no one talks about needing enough light on your skin to activate some science chemical thing with our silly biology to make you happy they just say go outside but i never understood why lmao but I'm also really adoring the idea of being a moth missing your bright light that's perfect lol

@elfi @root i thought at high latitudes, in addition to getting less sun in the winter, the angle of the light causes a lot of higher frequency visible to be filtered.

anyway light therapy helps me a little, but i have treatment resistant depression.

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