dreams, horrific 

Last night was rough. Dreamt of reality decaying, worm-like creatures sprouting from the seams, constantly fleeing knowing the first green-ringed door to the left would be a gateway to an intact reality, but always someone went through the wrong door and influenced the next reality's decay from outside trying to claw their way back in.

At some point I picked the wrong door, choosing one that was blue instead of green when colour started draining from that reality. Knowing I was lost, I gave the others tools, machines to fight back, to save as many people as possible when the entities from beyond began to break through, but each successive reality got smaller and farther away, until it was but a single house in the last survivor's memory and there were no more green-ringed gateways...


dreams, pleasant this time 

I woke up from that exhausted, but I did eventually fall back asleep. that was a better dream, of a more vibrant and idyllic world, my fiancée was visiting and we took a train to an LGBTQ fantasy convention held in an old open mall. We shopped for clothes, she bought a bunch of swords, and we went to look at suitcases to bring them back home in

I rather more like having "we are lesbians and have too many swords to bring home from a con" as the only conflict in my dreams

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