Dreams, werewolves 

One of my dreams from last night was interesting, it seemed like some kind of third-person powersuit run-and-gun, set in a branching facility with different plot triggers on each path.

One was a lab where a fast-acting lycanthropy pathogen had spread from containment and everyone started turning into werewolves and biting each other, resulting in a chaotic three-way battle. There was even an easter egg where a breakable wall early on let you return and take another path, where the lycanthropy spread to other progression branches including a raid on a supersoldier facility in the arctic

End result was one of the boss fights was taking on an armored prototype supersoldier ordinarily twice your size even in your powersuit, while she was also a werewolf and now too big and fluffy to wear her original bodysuit

...in retrospect, despite how frenetic this dream was, I think instead of being an anxiety dream it might've been juuust a bit of a horny one


Dreams, werewolves 

Spoilers: nobody thought to bring silver on the other routes so the werewolves could only be subdued through exhaustion, which was to say the boss since everyone else was overrun anyway

The ending cutscene had the facility's last stand turning after someone behind the barricades revealing they had been bit, and then everyone adjusting to being werewolves after the chaos subsided

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