I want to get my 2FA out of Google Authenticator. I don’t trust my own server uptime to rely on it 24/7, but signing up to yet another online service seems unproductive. If I use Bitwarden self hosted, will TOTP codes still work without connection to the server?

@s0 fair warning: Bitwarden's TOTP feature only works for paying customers

I was not aware of this at first

@tully I don't think that's true when it's self-hosted? because there's no purchases in the apps or plugins. so I literally don't have any account with them at all.


@s0 @tully i host a vaultwarden. it works fine when the server is offline (tested now: systemctl stop, restart browser, check otp on one login, it exists)

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@ckie @s0 @tully to add a data point here: the clients cache the Vault and only periodically fetch it (or when explicitly requested to).

Moved to Bitwarden with a Vaultwarden backend a few weeks ago, it’s so much better than what I had before (KeePass)

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