
question in the format of a cohost/tumblr ask; apocalypse, elilla&'s roots?, long, reads kinda like a trauma dump but i get to the question eventually after i feel i've established the context. Achtung! may increase doom levels! 

@elilla :blobcat:

hello! you often talk about climate apocalypse and jp,br culture that we haven't been exposed to much, and certainly not as directly.,

i liked your mom's quote you posted but i don't think it works in e.g. my position, i'm 18-very-soon and still w my parents, one of whom sheltered me from the local culture for a while (there's more here…) and it feels pretty representative of surveillance capitalism; we have so many complicit machines that help capitalism continue to run that i don't think we'll have a power restructuring unless it turns out to be a very quick big collapse.

so, with all of that authoritarianism painted, i'd like to now take you to the typical "transfem who's still figuring her shit out" who is probably very dependent on fragile internet infra, perhaps public transport and maybe is socially traumatized (like us)

how does that work out for her? personally i'm gonna be Fine it's been a while and i'm healing from the worst bits... but what about the new girl; what do you see in her future?

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