
what's germany's reputation in your local area? :boostsPorFavor:

(both the country itself and the people)

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read after voting (also feel free to vote if you're from germany!) 

i'm trying to figure out whether i'm biased against germany-the-country because of my family or a larger bias. from my recent observations it seems like a pretty nice ckie-compatible place but the language barrier has me struggling to figure out the vibe

re: read after voting (also feel free to vote if you're from germany!) 

@ckie i lived there, albeit as a smoler arc who still didn't know they were queer, and I loved the vibe.

germany review (3/5 stars) germany as a whole is very old and very “conservative” (as in: not opposed to fascism/monarchism), but the big cities tend to be younger and less bad. some areas are friendlier to nazis than others.

it's certainly a lot better than many other places, but most of the government (and previous governments) is actively working on making it worse for queers, non-whites, migrants, leftists.

there is also the problem that almost all government institutions (ministries, police, secret service, …) were founded by literal nazis and it shows to this day. when you see a cop in germany they are either a fascist or don't speak out against fascists.

@ckie people nice (at least the queer ones, don't interact with others that much anymore) as country... bad

@ckie stil can't answer, sorry ;) if "local area" means my neighbours or my city i think it would be very positive. if it means my follower here for instance or my friends it would be far more negative.


@benni the underlying context is i'm trying to figure out if germany is viable for me to stay at for more than a short vacation.

so lf your city is like amazing and the rest of the country doesn't really exist in your life then you can vote for just the city. if you have to venture out into Bad Parts then maybe its Bad. also feel free to just give a score here instead of taking the binary choice in the poll.

this isn't critical, i'm trying to get more impressions but if i visit i'll find out soon enough what i think about it. this is more of a "how much should I want to visit?".


@ckie germany is for sure a good place to live if you bring certain privileges (money and legal status most importantly i think). If not it can be a hellhole. but on the other hand this would be true for most places on earth unfortunatly.

where do you live now? (to have something to compare it to)

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