fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

this platform is accursed. i have a thought. i'd like to post it.
- i open the webby site
- i get my brain bombarded by 3-5 other posts without even scrolling
- i TRY to remember what it was, and write it
- i need to figure out what CWs fit
- i probably can't post it if it's too controversial or triggering to someone
- i'm so, so tired of writing alt text and i've yet to know someone blind even
- with every word i write i can feel the thousand retorts e.g. "oh but im autistic and i rely on those alt texts too" well guess what its my post and im autistic too
- i read more posts i dont care about here or can do nothing to help with than just about any other platform, email or twitter or cohost are *all* better at this
- i am currently focused on the lists tab of the masto ui to not see the live post feed (even twitter has a "Show $x tweets" popup when theres more to read!!)
- i'd like to write deep posts but this community feels shallow as heck and i have 88 followers currently which is an absurd number of people to be reading my inner thoughts. pls let me post to a list and have that be more direct and separate from the big tl. fuck i might just host a mailing list for this.
- i have seen the same post 2382374 times because it shows you it again when another mutual boosts it?? come on..
- why cant i click on a hashtag and mute it
- why cant i write a filter for a single mutual
- why cant i limit the range of posts i see. i dont wanna see posts of someones friend's friend's friend's friend. [that's too many people to worry about](cohost.org/pervocracy/post/151), i cant fit them all in my heart.
- why cant i see my friends posts. no i dont care if they're on masto.social i just wanna see their posts in my client. goddamn

probably more missed

fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@ckie most of those are settings you can change, and shallow means something very different for neurotypical and neurodivergent people

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@filmroellchen most of these things are things i can half-ass change. for example the slow mode accessibility feature does not work right in 2 (slightly subtle) different ways (i doubt upstream even tried it since they added it)
and im allowed to vent and fedi is quite autistic, it's just missing a good culture for this

please try not dismissing everything i had thoroughly expressed with a handwavey "its not that bad..!". its very frustrating.

it is specifically about the buildup of shitiness as i wrote in my continuation post which for me manifests as a conscious annoyance and for untrained NTs is just a little microaggression i assume

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@filmroellchen (sorry if you didn't mean to write this in a dismissive way i read it like that so i posted back at you like that)

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@ckie not dismissive, it just seems you didn't actually try to improve anything since I immediately thought "well that can be changed, don't they know?"

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@filmroellchen okay maybe there are a few actionable ones but i dont have the spoons for all of *that* on top of posting. i just wanna post & am amazed its still this hard. its a list for someone who feels like working on this & i have no interest in furthering development of this because it's deeply flawed in many ways

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@filmroellchen also on glitch there's preferences, app settings, the menu button in your profile and they're all different and its overwhelming and unsearchable

re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@ckie complain to the glitch-soc devs, not (only) all of fedi


re: fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

@filmroellchen see: no spoons for that. if you dont wanna relate to my suffering with the status quo then ignore the post or go fix it yourself

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