music is so freakin hard, my journey, emotions 

i started like 2ish years ago. ive been learning [this version of unravel]( for around a year now.

lots of the comments say they got it in 1 hour or that it's so easy or that they're so young and it's so hard to not be jealous of them

i have my things i'm good at but music just requires so so much

basically every piece of music i regularly listen to has been made by an artist with something like a decade ± some years and its just

#### so
### freaking
#### hard
*(to play well)*

my teacher says im making great progress and that i'm very determined but it's so easy to fall in love with other songs and it pains me that I can't play them all that fast yet.

this one i'm currently honeymooning over is something that i'll be able to play in a week or two, and that's still much slower than the prodigy kids or whatnot

i guess its considered a *'talent'* because most people are not able to experiment with their music so easily.

i know once i finish this one i'll be able to get through easier ones much faster but I *cannot wait* and I really wish I had more external bandwidth to this humongous neural network that is my brain :blobcathug:​​

music is so freakin hard, my journey, emotions 

@ckie Maybe this is something you can try (works for me) I suck at reading notes so I no longer use them. I either play by ear or if I don't manage to figure things out (when many harmonics are involved for example) then I look on yt for "<songname> synthesia" ... I find those scrolling pianos way easier to play along.
Sometimes first slowed down and one hand. But many songs I can learn in a couple of days like that (not all and I don't seek perfection but it works for me)


re: music is so freakin hard, my journey, emotions 

@daughterofrao tried, didn't like it much. i feel like it probably depends on a pre-existing deep knowledge of practical music things and my keyboard technique isn't usually globally aware of my hand pos by the time i'm getting down to the muscle memory due to all the transpositions occasionally needed

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