back in 2016 a friend of mine offered to create an account for me on his VPS where I could run my #irc client; since then I've run an #emacs instance with ERC connected at the time to freenode, now to #liberachat
he would occasionally message me about restarting the system to apply updates but around five years ago he dropped off the network and I haven't spoken to him since despite using it basically every day
the last system update was applied in August of 2019
my emacs process containing my IRC client has been running without restarting ever since
that's 1330 days; 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day
today I saw an error message telling me the disk was full! I don't have root access but I was able to clear out around 280MB of random logs and source to get some breathing room but I have a feeling this system is on its last legs
@technomancy holy shitt wow that's a lot of time
haven't been on the same distro for that long & my life is completely different
here's my box, it's not as old :P
20:02:24 up 415 days 18:21, 1 user, load average: 0.18, 0.38, 0.42
emacs is quite unreliable for me:
3 hours, 34 minutes, 28 seconds
@ckie not bad! my normal Emacs sessions usually don't last longer than six months, but this one was a very specific session which ran nothing but ERC for chat