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Goal Reached! (Housing mutual aid request) 

Edit 2: thank you so much everyone! I ended up with enough and a little over. I should be good this month and now have the time to figure things out for the future. <3

Original message as follows:
Hi everyone, I've been trying to find a housemate for my apartment but I've had no luck. Without someone to share the costs of the apartment with, I'm out of money and won't have enough to make rent and bills in a week even after my ODSP payment comes in. My estimated needs are $250 CAD.

I'm going to list some goods on Kijiji, but I've had little to no luck selling on there lately so I don't know if it'll actually succeed, and I don't want to put this out when it's too little, too late. If something does sell, I'll mark it in the progress, but if you can spare some funds, I'd really appreciate the help, and will do my best to pay it forward once I can.

My paypal is (redacted), thank you very much

Current progress: $250/250

Edit 1: aaaa this much support already is very appreciated ;; I hope I can help other people be happy in the future as you're making me rn

tips for living like a real fae:

- avenge the dying ecosystems
- steal children
- talk in riddles
- bite
- thieve shinies and jewelry (but not iron!!!)
- make it known that you don't belong in the human world and you are not on their side

It is the year of the dragon, so I saw it fitting to get new art of my more dragon-like form! 💚​🐲​🌲​

What if my 2.0 model came out to look like this? 👀

#vtuber #ENVtuber #art #dragon

In about 30 minutes I'm going live to work on Ink's model! Might be a smaller stream today too, we'll see.

#vtuber #ENVtuber #blender3D

do not try to mock the cringe, that's impossible.

instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no cringe.

then you will see it is not the cringe that you mock, it is only yourself.

Finally! After 3 days my house has power again! I feel like I'm thawing out of an ice cube as my home warms up again... 💙

In about 2 hours I'm going live to work on Vicky's model! We'll either lower the arms into A pose today or just kill more time with making little details 😂

#vtuber #ENVtuber #blender3d

That was a bit all over the place but definitely a lot of fun. Upgraded @SophicLeech's and my tool, checked out Yuki's house building progress, mined in the nether with the Drill & Chill Mk2 for some ancient debris and placed down some train tracks!

Also here is an unrelated picture of part of my base that's underground.


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Comm also by 夜行講談!

Just a peaceful western dragon travelling and enjoying days in an eastern land

It's the weekend! Time to kick back and play some games. Dwagon be gamin' 🎮💚

Sir Belvedere studied the board. "You have me at checkmate," he said.

The dragon inclined her head. "You fought well, Sir Knight."

The knight stood. "I love what you've done. The kaleidescope of colors enhances the cavern visually."

"Thank you. A fairy taught me the spell. Until next time?"

"I battled valiantly with the dragon. The townsfolk are safe for another month." The knight paused. "Next time, shall I bring scones?"

"That," replied the dragon, "would be lovely."


Scales! I love scales! I'm like 10 times the level of excited for my new model now that I've done this work on it.

We raided Rainhet ( today because she's working on a model too (and I like her soft voice) 💚

#vtuber #ENvtuber #blender3d

me as a kid: I must memorize all the ways to be safe from the fair folk because getting kidnapped by fairies is a huge concern

me now: let's hear them out


In light of some garbage on reddit and twitter recently... recurring garbage, as it were,

Reposting this meme.


made some more tongue-in-cheek ha-ha no-seriously images to help you manage replies in lieu of affordances to help you manage replies please steal and use if you find useful or so help me funny

1. Do not reply unless you have direct experience
2. Do not reply with a software suggestion
3. This is an observation. Do not attempt to help. No reply necessary.

YOU MAY REPLY if you have a suggestion or request for another helpful informational message.

more in thread +

Hi everyone! Here's this week's schedule~
As you can see, I'm gonna be having my 2 year affiliate anniversary stream on Saturday!
However, please note that I may be moving irl very soon and any one of these streams this week could be cancelled last minute depending on how things go. We'll just have to see! Thanks! 💚

the biggest leaps in transhumanism will be made by transfem furries

Morning sketch-stream results!

Drew some gay stuff again.

(I know this one was a while ago, but I'm behind on posting new art.)

#Lamia #Monstergirl #Art #MastoArt #LGBTQ

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