begpost, please boost and share, CW house arrest, unjust conviction and sentencing, i fucking hate the courts
Please please PLEASE boost and share and donate this fundraiser for my friend's partner, who is currently serving a house arrest sentence for bullshit trumped up charges. He needs all the support he can get at this time. Fuck the courts, fuck the cops
LGBT rights, Poland, please boost
I'm just so tired right now.
By the way - I'm not providing sources, because even Polish-language articles about this seem to be mostly behind paywalls or otherwise difficult to access.
And there aren't that many in the first place.
Anyone reading this, feel free to add links to sources in comments.
LGBT rights, Poland, please boost
* talking about LGBT ppl/issues in schools;
* Pride marches and any other LGBT-related public events;
* public endorsement of same-sex marriage or rights;
You read that right. If you say "I think gay people should get to be married" in a public setting, the new law states that you'd be committing a crime.
I know not everyone is equally passionate about LGBT activism, but this is actual insanity.
LGBT rights, Poland, please boost
(Reposted from Birdside, thread)
Today, the Polish parliament will read a proposed law that makes it illegal to "promote homosexuality", including - I am not exaggerating - pretty much ANY positive talk of LGBT+ people and their rights in public settings.
And foreign media seem almost entirely silent on this.
The law was drafted a while ago, but didn't get into the Parliament for procedural reasons.
It EXPLICITLY bans e.g.:
majora's mask meme, affection, separation
@elfi this again, but much sadder this time ;;
I want to live in a world of extreme body polymorphism. I want a world where someone can be a human, or furry, or elvan fae, four legged wolf, giant dragon, a collective of foxes, small box robot on wheels, hive of nanobots, copyright infringement, abstract geometry...
I want a world where any conceivable thing can be considered as a form, to have "personhood", and efforts are made to allow all those types of being to exist relatively in the same culture, to the best of our efforts.
Bedroom shitposting
@SophicLeech: I'm gay for you
Me: and I'm gay for you
Sapph: but I'm gayer for you
Me: but I'm as gay for you as you are for me
Sapph: but I'm gayer for you
Me: but I'm gayer for you
Sapph: but I'm gayer for you!
Me: but that's physically impossible!
Sapph: but I'm gayer for you!
Sapph: darli--
I got mercilessly tickled for my hubris after that ;;
18+, No Minors
25 y/o
A non-binary Vampiric Dryad! My name is Annalise, Nice to meet you!
I play games and be lesbians on the internet. Fan of the Ar Tonelico series.
Writer and Conlang enthusiast. Vtuber
May be NSFW rarely
Icon Artist: @frogbiansVEVO on Birdsite, Frogbians on tumblr,